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Malmo - Sweden

Malmo – Sweden

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Malmhaug: Gravel Pile, Ore Hill

As mentioned in the previous post, Copenhagen, visiting Malmo was part of our original plan in both 2011 and 2016 trips. If back then was with a friend, now was with my family, but the reason remains the same. Being just across the Oresund Bridge, that near from Copenhagen, it is a great chance for being able to visit and enjoy them both. On this occasion we had plenty more time and actually ended up exhausting the entire city of Malmo in a day before returning to our base in Copenhagen from where we came early in the morning. After all, remember this is a small city and there is no need for spending any further time, therefore a day is more than enough.

From Copenhagen Central Station there are very frequent trains (every 20 minutes), and so in the opposite direction from Malmo Central Station. Just take note the train is not cheap at all considering the short distance travelled in barely just 20 minutes. Less was in our case since we took the train at Copenhagen’s Airport train station where our hotel was meters from. It took us only 15 minutes and we were there!

Upon arrival, it is quite obvious to see the level of live in here is somewhat higher; even it is already well known Danish people enjoy one of the wealthiest nation. But once you compare both cities, here in Malmo you will see an extremely clean, nice and quite spotless city, like anywhere in Sweden. People tend to be extremely polity, helpful and nice feeling overall, and managed to actually speak to us quite well in Spanish!


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Copenhagen - Denmark

Copenhagen – Denmark

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Køpmannæhafn: Merchants’ Harbour

This year is been a mix of going to places never visited before, and returning to many others as a second time with others, pretty much, a yearly return in order to visit other cities and landmarks nearby. It’s great to have so many cities in a radius of around 3 hours flight max, making it extremely easy and convenient to keep doing what I love the most: to travel. In this case, it’s the second time I come to Copenhagen, 5 years and a month to be precise after the last visit, and for a bit longer this time but a similar route to include Malmo in Sweden and other smaller cities in Denmark. A nice 4 days with my family this time, as it is normal for us to do at least a yearly holiday the four of us, mum, dad, my brother and I.

Once more, I take the chance to completely remake this guide for the city I did create few years back now that I have way more and better up to date information, and a nicer way in listing the sights perfectly by neighbourhood and in an sense order for easy following a route and not missing anything.

Denmark is somehow, one of the less visited countries from the many I’ve been. But in the other hand, this is a small country with an extremely centralised economy and population most of which living in the capital and its metropolitan area. We’ve been many years ago at the second largest city, Aarhus, and that already felt very small. Bearing these cities, there is only one more you can fly from London, this is Billund, famous for being home to one of the largest Legoland parks in the world. (more…)

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