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Luneburg - Germany

Luneburg – Germany

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Hanseatic Town of Luneburg

Continuing on our second part of this short but busy weekend trip and using the most of the day we can by waking up rather early, we drove from Bremen all the way heading towards the northeast, near the Baltic coast to one of the most beautiful Hanseatic cities in Germany, Luneburg. Likewise any of the cities that formed part of the Hanseatic League becoming wealthy and rich due to their trading, in Luneburg’s case was the result of mining the abundance of salt that was then traded across the Baltic and North Sea.

Mining of salt in fact ended quite recently here, in 1980; bus it was already in a steep decline the decades before. Nevertheless, it remained as an important port in the region and through the industrial era; reason why it was severely bombed and destroyed during WWII. Only the cities of Wismar and Stralsund escaped war with minimal damages, a luck that not even the Hanseatic League capital city, Lübeck, did have, and so Hamburg and nearby Luneburg. Fortunately in the other hand, all these cities were immaculately restored, with its historical core reconstructed and/or refurbished in an exemplary way following the principles of anastylosis by using as much of the original materials and fittings that were thankfully in place and stored back then for accomplishing reconstruction  in the years to follow.

It is quite surprising that the city has not been inscribed in the list of World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO! It is probably the only large Hanseatic city in northern Germany left without this title. Else Lübeck, Wismar and Stralsund are all World Heritage Site.


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Bremen and the Wadden Sea – Germany

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Free Imperial City

This unstoppable rush for travelling continues now that we are halfway in the year, on what is going to be a record-breaking in all senses. Amount of kilometres travelled, number of flights taken, and number of countries been. Also marking the moment where I’ve travelled to the farthest place so far in my life from where I live, to Easter Island back in April. On this occasion, it is “just” here next door to London, the beautiful German city of Bremen.

Long ago are the £2 return tickets with Ryanair here, but unfortunately we kept postponing on behalf of going to different destinations on and on and. Now you have to pay at least 30 times over that amount, which in any case it is still quite cheap with more or less the same fares for pretty much the whole year. Quite a bargain bearing in mind the great flying times allowing us to be the entire Saturday and Sunday over there, time that we used for a much busier program than only visiting Bremen anyway. Also this was the summer solstice weekend and while many other destinations were really expensive, this was really competitive.

The city has been benefiting from being an independent city-state for much of its history, hence why it became to be known as the Free Imperial City. Nowadays it’s the capital city of the smallest of the 16 states that form Germany, Freie Hansestadt Bremen, which consists of only 2 cities, Bremen and Bremerhaven, the harbour city. The land in between both of these cities is the state of Lower Saxony.


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Riga – Latvia

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The art-nouveau capital of Europe

The wonderful city of Riga. A very well deserved return to revisit after that many years in between the previous times. The fact that I kept postponing this city on behalf of others is still a fact I cannot quite explain. I cannot think of any possible reason nor excuse as it is still ranking one of my all time favourite European cities, not only for the beauty and cosines of the old town but because of its impressive collection of art-nouveau buildings, the largest of its kind on any city in the world. And yes, for those who don’t know me yet, art-nouveau together with art-deco are my favourite architectural styles.

Riga is the largest city not only in Latvia, also the largest of any city across the Baltic countries, followed by Tallinn and Vilnius; hosting one third of the country’s population. As such, plan at least 2 days for visiting it. Any shorter than this and you will struggle to enjoy the sights and relaxed time at any of the many restaurants and bars. Yet still, over 2 days and you might end up with not much more to do and see unless going to the outskirts neighbourhoods or nearby seaside resort of Jurmala.

The old town is inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site list due to its importance and rich past and prosperity over history as one of the major cities of the Hanseatic League and for hosting an almost intact medieval layout coupled with an incredible collection of 19th century wood classical buildings in the Russian style and an unrivaled 19th and 20th century art-nouveau city extension. (more…)

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Vilnius - Lithuania

Vilnius – Lithuania

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The Baroque City

Unsure what it has, but it’s always nice to be back to Lithuania, and return to its charming capital city, Vilnius. Perhaps the 4th or 5th time here, and always as good as if the first time. Also in such a lapse of time since 2003 through 2020 I’ve seen how the city has reshaped itself, improved, restored and embellished after the continuous gentrification. I can still remember the times the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania was under reconstruction with merely some walls and now admiring in its full glory; and even used Litas, the currency before the Euro.

Lithuania and the Baltic Countries in general can be a great option to visit during the low season months. Winter is quite cheap to come, however there is something you must consider if planning a trip during this time, the weather. Expect below 0 Centigrade, sometimes really extreme, and snow. It can be very harsh to coop. I am for sure not prepared for that and do not have the appropriate clothing like they do. And all I can think is the horrible experience that was once Tallinn with minus 10, and that was already in spring.

Vilnius’ Old Town was listed an UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its impressive and large medieval core, nowadays predominantly Baroque. No wonder why the city is nicknamed the Baroque City. Almost every building has been preserved, or reconstructed and restored therefore an incredible sight for everyone’s eyes. Colorful in every sense, elegant yet imposing. And since many areas are now car free, you will further enjoy walking along the streets. But gentrification and becoming popular comes at a price. Back in the times of the Litas, prices were relatively low, basically how they were supposed to be. Unfortunatelly after they joined the Euro, the cost of living and for everything raised dramatically as I have experienced every time I come, and the trend will not stop from the look of it. The country is rapidly booming, although the basics as salaries do still not reflect the reality.

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Bergen - Norway

Bergen and the Fjords – Norway

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The door to the Norwegian Fjords

One of the most seek destination across Norway, Bergen, it is not always the easiest and the cheapest place you can find a nice flight deal. Then knowing about the remaining expenses as hotel, rental car and food, we knew this trip was not going to be anymore on budget but a be very pricey considering how short it was, merely a weekend. Nevertheless, considering how beautiful is this city and the incredible region surrounding it, returning is not even questionable, it is a reality.

Bergen is the door to the fjords. If you are coming here it is likely that you will be either taking a tour, (there are many), from half a day, one day or the longer ones, getting on a cruise; or you will be driving on your own around. Whichever the option it does not matter. But getting a rental car and be free to do as you wish for as long as you want, no hassle of running from one place to another and no one rushing you is simply ideal.

A weekend is really enough to do both the fjords and Bergen, if you cannot have any longer that that. But of course I am only talking about the most notorious sights and places, as otherwise one can be in this region for weeks every day in a different place.


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Tallinn - Estonia

Tallinn – Estonia

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Qalaven, Kesoniemi, Reval

Although this is currently my second time in this city, it was very long since the first time, hence actually glad to be back to one of the most charming place in Europe. Not the best weather in this occasion though. From what was a perfect summer time was back in 2005 to really winter this time. We could not even believe that almost in April, there was still -5 degrees with the feeling at much lower, and the Baltic Sea entirely frozen. One for another, having the chance to have seen the city during these two different seasons was already a plus, enhance for being able to admire the sea completely frozen as my eyes could reach, that was a first in my life!.

When planning your time here, the good news is that two days are good enough to visit everything. The Baltic capitals are in general small and perfect for a weekend trip, or if on a wider tour, still 2 days at each is perfect when talking about cities like Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius or Helsinki. To make things even better, once you are in the Upper or Lower town, you will get to see everything on foot. Most of the streets are pedestrian only, extremely compact and the whole of it listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. One can hardly see any damage from WWII, thankfully it retained what is now one of the best preserved medieval old towns in Europe.

The city walls are so well preserved, and so the many towers that when viewed from the upper town it’s more like a truly fairy tale city. So many towers raising, together with the many churches spires and all right at the footstep of the Baltic Sea not far ahead.


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Lubeck – Germany

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The Former Capital of the Hanseatic League

Coming to the second day for this weekend trip we headed towards Lubeck from Hamburg, this time to enjoy this incredibly beautiful city and also because my returning flight to London was departing from here. At only 65km one to another, it is not even one hour train ride centre to centre. Either if you fly to Hamburg or to smaller Lubeck airport for visiting Hamburg, you really must consider and plan some time for this Hanseatic jewel, often bypassed by the average tourist.

It won’t take you any longer than half day to visit the city if I am honest. Its small size and organisation of the streets plus the compact historical centre means any longer than half a day will already be too much. It’s perfect for a day trip from Hamburg where you don’t need to start your day very early nor return late at night; just have a perfect relaxing day, or as it was in my case, sightseeing and enjoying it before heading to the airport.

The city is an UNESCO World Heritage Site listed for it’s former importance as the capital of the Hanseatic League, and for having preserved it’s Medieval old town unaltered ever since, built between the 12th until the 16th centuries. The constructions in this city are among the finest and most incredible from any of the former Hanseatic cities. The stunning Brick Gothic architecture will captivate any visitor. Without any doubt and hesitation, it did to myself, although I do admit I am a fan lover of the Hanseatic Gothic architecture. (more…)

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