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Gibraltar - United Kingdom

Gibraltar – Gibraltar

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The Rock

Although we’ve returned more times to Gibraltar with the years, this was the first time we ever went to a British Overseas Territory. This little piece of land is little more than a mountain lying between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, neighboring Spain. As small as it is, that the airport is mostly built on land gained to the sea at both sides of the straight, and the only commercial airport in the world to have a main traffic road passing through it perpendicular to the runway with a level crossing as if it would be a railway crossing. Meters north of the airport and you reach the Spanish border and the city of La Linea de la Concepcion.

Contrary to what Spanish people tend to think about the sovereignty of Gibraltar, this territory was ceded to Britain in perpetuity under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. It was never taken from Spain by the British. The issues arise only because the waters surrounding it, which were not part of the original treaty, and the United Kingdom try to claim more and more, clearly violating certain clauses of the treaty.

Politics apart. The old town will for sure surprise you. It is a very beautiful blend of Victorian and Georgian with Southern Spanish architecture mixed with the Mediterranean colours and window shades. It looks much more Italian than British or Spanish. So pleasant and enjoyable stay all together (more…)

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Ibiza - Spain

Ibiza – Spain

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The Pityussae: Pine Covered Islands

To find such an incredible air fare deal to Ibiza was quite shocking already, but to find out that Ibiza is by far much nicer than I expected, was the real deal. I know it was also the perfect match of the circumstances, like the weather reaching 30 degrees centigrades, the great hotel, spa and the pools, and the unexpected room upgrade just because we and few other tourists were the last guests to stay in the hotel before they were closing during the winter season months.

So what it makes for you to find a cheap ticket here? Going off season, time when as well, all that great discos are closed. This makes the difference between cheap and affordable, or as expensive as if going to Dubai instead. Really, I have seen cheaper tickets to Dubai than Ibiza in July. Then off-season, it is not only that you pay that little, but the hotel deal will be your next surprise, and having so few tourists around. I personally would not like to travel to Ibiza in peak season unless my plan is just to party and go clubbing, and get to the crowded beaches.

On the same note as we did in Tenerife or Kos in other trips, the best option if you want to visit the most the island has to offer is to rent a car. Also inexpensive when out of season. This island is small enough for a cultural weekend trip. But an extra day would be ideal as this would allow you to reach the small sister island of Formentera, just a short boat ride across. (more…)

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Belgrade – Serbia

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The White City

Loosing the track on how many new countries I have visited so far during this year alone, this time I land in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, in company of two of my travel friends. Thankfully we managed to find such great air fares, although this had to involve travelling there on Friday very early morning and returning Sunday on the very first flight of the morning. Unfortunately, we could not enjoy an extra full day as it could have been Sunday, but at least, we used it to recover and sleep.

Saying this, 2 days are more than enough for this city. I could not imagine another one unless going somewhere else, so yes, it’s a perfect city size for a cultural weekend trip. Very compact, cute old town and great for walking everywhere; however evolving and expanding with plenty of new construction going one and countless projects to restore the older parts becoming the next tourist destination in the Balkans.

To our surprise, the city has much more to offer than we originally though. Searching for pictures and information over the internet did not give us any greater overall idea and image of what Belgrade really is. This was a great sign as we thought we would become sort of stranded without knowing what else to do after few hours. (more…)

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City of San Marino - San Marino

City of San Marino – San Marino

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The third smallest state in Europe

Visiting San Marino now a reality; one of the smallest country in Europe within the Italian Peninsula, and absolutely surrounded by this. This is again a two for the price of one trip, meaning travelling to a city not been before but also completing another country of the list. This is getting more complicated lately to get into new countries if doing merely over the weekends, I know that’s crazy, but it is getting easier with the numerous new flight routes and airlines flying all over Europe hence returning to any country. No matter if already been before it does have a bright side, this is the hundreds other cities and places to go within each. I am not the type of person who travels just to tick off the list and say hey! I’ve been there. No, quite the opposite, I like to explore as much as possible, return to where I like the most and visit other places and cities constantly in my desire for being everywhere in the world in my lifetime.

Unlucky for us, the day was very cloudy and while back in Rimini from where we came was a good visibility, it was not the case here in the City of San Marino. The capital is located at the top of Mount Titano, and the clouds were so low that we had continuous thick fog for the whole day. What could have been great pictures with great views even as far as the Adriatic Sea, were only of a few meters ahead of us, with silhouettes of buildings and walls. Nevertheless, it was only after we returned back from the trip and checked the pictures when I started to appreciate these and actually liked them more than I thought. It is definitely another style of view, as beautiful as if it would have been a clear day. Still that’s not an excuse, I have to return for sure.

The capital city is so small with so many levels up and down that the only way to visit is by walking. Just be prepared that you will need to go up and down hills and stairs constantly. Some nice and comfortable footwear would be really appreciated if I may suggest. (more…)

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Read more about the article Ancona, Fano and Rimini – Italy
Ancona, Fano and Rimini - Italy

Ancona, Fano and Rimini – Italy

  • Post category:EuropeItaly

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Terminus of the Roman Via Flaminia

Flying to this region was a long time planned not just only for reaching all these cities never been before, but for reaching San Marino, which you can easily do if flying to Rimini, some 15 km away from the border, Ancona or Bologna airports, both around 100 km away. Since flying to Rimini was well overpriced, and Bologna a place we’ve been in other occasions, Ancona was the perfect candidate and get to see as much as possible from the region and the coastline.

Being all such small cities, it is perfect for a weekend trip. You will have plenty of time and no rush for anything, furthermore, since you will end up with more free time than expected, you can stop along the way in other small villages. Almost all of them contain nice Roman remains, bastions, citadels and beautiful buildings.

Ancona itself is nothing out of the blue, that’s for sure. Just a busy port city; and maybe because we went out of season and on a weekend, it was hard to find anything even opened, not even the restaurants. The Roman arch is really worth to see, although unfortunately it’s been left stranded in the port hence the surroundings are not the nicest at all with a road passing right at the front. The best view of it is from the Parco del Cardeto Hill. Now, if I am honest with you, do not plan any longer than 4 hours of sightseeing if your plans include to head later towards Rimini or elsewhere. There is not much more you could do in here. (more…)

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Kos - Greece

Kos – Greece

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The birthplace of Hippocrates

Finally, a very much desired Greek island for a long time now in the bucket list, Kos. Considering how many islands are out there in this region and in Greece alone, this could take several years finding nice deals every now and then, or make the most on an Aegean Cruise, why not. But for now, this is the fun of keep travelling, going every time to a different destination, and enjoying as much as possible, never getting tired.

What we believed it would be a very small island, as Google maps might look like, ended up being bigger than expected. The airport is at the centre of the island, and we first headed to Kos Town where our hotel was. A very charming city and amazingly quiet, thankfully because it was still low season. Another reason why we love travelling to places always during the low season months whenever we can.

The ancient Greek-Roman remains are spread all around. On one side is the Forum, on another the Odeon; then the Western Archaeological site and the Casa Romana, while farther away outside of the city is the Asclepeion, ancient healing temple. We only found out that distances were actually bigger than expected when we were there, and decided to rent a car for 24 hours. Best decision ever, out of sudden we were flexible to travel around the entire island.


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Zaragoza - Spain

Zaragoza – Spain

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Roman Caesaraugusta, Moorish Saraqusta

Completing a guide for another great city in Spain, it’s time for Zaragoza. One of the long pending guides for a proper upgrade and revamp since it was one of the first generation bunch of blog entries when I started this site; now there was no further excuse after the most recent trip here, in coincidence with one of the largest festivities across Spain, El Pilar. Already the 4th time in the city, and for sure not the last. Nowadays it’s not any longer about sightseeing there, but visiting my great friends the priority in this case.

It was back in the year 2002 when I first came to Zaragoza, to visit and to be with friends, and of course, enjoying El Pilar party. Returning for a couple more times in between, and 17 years after the first time, the most recent trip here. That’s a long time for a city to reinvent itself and showcase more than ever the architectural wonders and countless sights so neatly restored and refurbished. Plenty of new areas and revamped streets, modernised and pedestrianised after the re-introduction of the tram through the core of the historical centre and beyond.

New landscaping and re-structure of some buildings, squares and streets led to the discovery and recovery of more Roman remain now beautifully set on display for anyone to enjoy. Let’s not forget an entire Roman city lies beneath the current modern layout of Zaragoza. That’s the ancient Caesaraugusta.


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Read more about the article Granada – Spain
Granada - Spain

Granada – Spain

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The Moorish Jewel at the foothills of Sierra Nevada

Finally reaching one of the most spectacular cities in Spain, Granada and it’s most precious sight, the Alhambra. Coming here from Malaga was easy, in fact we decided to get the hotel in Granada instead of Malaga in order to have the most of the day for visiting Granada before heading back to Malaga and make our way back home. Unfortunately this time, we really run short of time to visit such impressive city. Quite severely to be honest, plus the bad luck with the pouring rain later in the afternoon that made us retreat from continuing any sightseeing. Not to worry much, I know I will return and enjoy it bigger time soon.

Although not a big city, it’s packed with places to visit, not to mention these sights are located on each hill of the city, making it pretty hard and tiring if you want to get on foot, or even using the public transportation, as it all takes longer than originally expected. If you have a rental car instead, then you will be much better off saving you lots of time. Still no matter whether you have your own transport or not, you should at least plan 2 full days in here. An entire weekend would be ideal.

One of the main reasons to come to Granada is actually quite self-explained. The world renowned complex of palaces within the castle and fort of Alhambra. This unique, greatest Moorish piece of architecture is listed by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site since 1984, and one of the most celebrated and finest tourist destination in the whole of Spain. Entering through its doors is like appearing anywhere in Morocco, especially Marrakech, Fez or Meknes. Luxurious courtyards, gardens with ponds, fountains, sculptures and statues perfectly designed; impressive palaces and buildings so incredibly well decorated and all so impressive and painstakingly restored. Lets not forget it was here from where the Sultanate of Granada was governed, one of the most powerful back in the days of the Muslim occupation of Spain.


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